Rant Archive

Hey guys!

This page is to archive my ranting series that I have in this blog. These are specifically ventings and rants of issues that I come across in my time playing LaTale. Some will be purely for fun, some will be more serious, but overall, these are my opinions. If you disagree with me or don't like what I am saying, cease reading and divert your attention else where. You are reading these at your digression. Because these are my opinions with my voice, I won't hesitate to swear.

If you do feel the need to challenge my ideas, please do so in an intelligent manner and not purely to cause drama with me. A mature, intelligent person is willing to listen to one's opinion before interjecting with their own and does so with clear evidence. The latter might be sketchy for abstract concepts, but the former is very much expected from a person of that caliber.

With these in mind, please enjoy reading what grinds my gears in the various subjects I will talk about.

Master Musings

The topics that I rant about regard my experiences of being a guild coleader of Inflation and my opinions about the guild system in LaTale. It will be updated every Monday at midnight.
Guild Positions


The topics I rant about range from small issues to controversial, larger problems in the LaTale society. It will be updated every Friday at midnight.
Microphone Spam
Forum Contests

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