Quests have always been one of my fortes. It's always been one of my hobbies. Thankfully, LaTale has somewhat an endless supply of quests (to a certain extent), however, certain required quests for class advancement are subject to confusion, irritation and anger. I have overviewed a couple class advancement sequences, but not all of them, seeing how I am limited to the information I have access to. I am working on it, just really slowly. A true substitute for my overviews is
Pie's Quest Guide, so feel free to refer to that instead. I just overview quest sequences because I want to document them on my blog in image form. So, as I update this slowly, enjoy and good luck with your quest endeavors!
3rd Job Quest Sequences
General Quests (former part of entry)
Minstrel Quests (latter part of entry)
Ruin Walker Quests
Sub Class Quest Sequence
All Class Sequence (includes Scroll Quest sequence)
Note: Sub Class Quest Sequence is the same for all Sub Classes. The only differences are after Sub Quest 29, the quests will be named after what your appropriate Sub Class and some of the quests will have different names. The tasks and rewards are all the same, however, so do not fret.