Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Hello Blogosphere!

Just a little announcement to my activity. For the next few weeks, I'll be taking a break from doing rants in order to focus on my Anime Expo project: cosplay costumes of the sexy Princess Sapphire from Disgaea 3 and Jade from Homestruck. Working with MK, we hope to make some really nice costumes this year. Well, she's doing most of the work, but I give her motivation. And train her Pokemon. And clean her house. But besides that, I'll be posting our "progress" as we go and maybe some pictures of MK's pets. By the way, a certain priring lover is also attending a con and cosplaying, so give her some support as well!

As for LaTale, I'm around. I am majorly AFK, but I do stop in to say Hi. I also have a side project for my mom's catering hobby so I'm getting things to do to keep myself busy. With Diablo 3 consuming activity and the end of the school year plaguing my guild members, it's kinda hard to stay diligant, but I'm hanging in there!

For now, check in periodically to see our progress and I'll continue with rants as soon as I find time to write them~. I guess I'll also put what I've been listening to lately. Cause I'm a cool hipster...

1 comment:

Queenie said...

Now that you mention it, you were somewhat afk every time I logged on, but I only logged on twice this weekend so I guess it doesn't make such a good analysis. `-`

Less ranting is good I guess, doesn't help to be too .. er.. rantful(?)

Good luck on your AE Project!