Saturday, May 26, 2012

CaRant: Auction House

Somethings are rant worthy, some aren't. Put a Ca in front and you get CaRant: a rant that is done by Calamansi. There are times when my opinions get too strong and manifest into complete essays, but words sometimes fail me and I'm left with a made up word to describe my feelings. Let's expand upon what really goes on when I calag or carage or even better, CaRant.

I particularly enjoy Auction House. It's too addicting for its own good. Bid wars... Soul urn collecting... Getting things I need... But I can see people arguing against AH because it gives the game an air of inactivity and death. It's ironic though because if you look at AH, you see the community come to life. Somehow.

As a laptop owner, I don't have the capabilities to have extensive periods with my laptop on anymore without melting my hard drive. Computers notoriously become heaters as they age. I've seen it happened to my dinosaur laptop and it's beginning to occur with my shiny ASUS. Due to this, I cannot AFK in a shop to sell things. The only way around this is the Auction House, which conveniently is very effective. Everyone else has the right idea too. It's like having an NPC sell you things, just with a small tax and heavier price competition.

But as of late, there was an influx of "LaTale is dead" threads on the LaTale Forums. Granted, most of them are taken down and flamebait created by incoherent forumers, but is it really? The appearance is certainly there. When I walk around Elias late night questing, there are no shops surrounding the Iris, the most traversed area in Elias. The signs of activity are shoved towards the western side of Elias, hidden from sight. Sure, part of the argument is that Belos is the new Elias, but it's also vital to put AH into proportion. Plenty of the stock in the market are sold in AH, most of which are the minor things that people have trouble selling in a shop. While it's okay to make the argument that AH contributes to the lack of shops in Elias, it's also vital to make the argument that the game is much more market active and active in general in between noon and nine Pacific Time.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Auction House. What fine things do I usually buy in Auction House? Well, quest related things. Guild Quest, SS5 Quests, ect. I'm a quest junky. It is good to note that I love selling things in AH, but it's a bit frustrating when someone sells something under my price. But what can I do other than wait.

Bid warring; however, that's some intense stuff. Forget all night Guild Questing, all day SS5 Questing, Soul Urn Farming, Cropping. Bid Warring. It's addicting and I had to stop looking at certain items in AH in order to avoid bid warring. It's a bit time consuming and causes you to be obsessive over the game in which it sometimes interferes with your general thoughts. In order words, I don't want to think about my auctions when I'm in class or taking a nap. I already have enough trouble with Pokemon entering my dreams (among other things).

In any case, it's really something positive in the community, but that doesn't excuse the economy of which we are based upon in order to use the Auction House. Granted, it is a consequence of a capitalist society, because that is what a FREE market is, but a little bit more control can balance it a little bit more out.

But let's call it a day and wait for our next adventure.

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