Wednesday, November 23, 2011


-yawn- I've been busy the last few days (I probably will be busy the next few days as well) so I probably lag on these daily challeneges. Tuesday was day 22- hey wait. The Hiatus's new album technically came out in Japan... That means... -freaks out- OMGGGGGGGGGG. Okay well, somethings that makes me different from everyone else... A lot of things. What things? Let's figure it out!

In real life, I'm strange, in appearance and personality. Here's a few things that make me unique:

I range from 90-100 pounds. My lowest peak (and where I usually hang out in terms of weight) is usually around 90 however. This is unusual, however, I eat like a pig . I have an iron clad, black hole of a stomach. I swear I eat half my own weight in food, as a metaphor of course, but the idea is the same. I always hover around that 90 pound mark...
I'm socially strong, yet socially awkward at the same time. You know that person that is always hyper, but is quiet and antisocial when nobody is around? That's me. You just don't know it.
I never wear pants. I think they're overrated. When I mean pants, I mean long pants. I wear shorts, dresses and skirts majority of the time. I just don't like wearing jeans... They don't look good on me. That and I can't wear pretty long socks if I wear long pants. It just doesn't work...
For my short stature, I'm amazingly strong. I guess it's because I was mostly raised as a son by my dad and never really caught onto the daughter aspect of upbringing. I have little biceps . I'm also more fit than I look. I can tackle people to the ground and chase them for short distances in a sprint. Yay for my innate fitness!
I use a scooter to get my class. I'm adorable.

Hmm... What about LaTale? Well the things that come off the top of my head:

I don't do coli. I hate it.
I hate Maestro. It's a horrible class.
I don't like TAID. Too much stress.
Shirenas are my best friends. Here's why.
I have a blog? I guess that makes me unique.
I'm a LaTale animator? I also guess that makes me unique.

There's not really much to say without being repetitive. Time to do day 23's challenge!

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