Wednesday, November 23, 2011


THE HIATUSSSSSSS. I WILL FIND THE PANDEMONIUM. RAAAAAAAWRRR. Well, it's day 23. Hmm.. something you crave for a lot... There's a lot...

Well, I'm a girl if you haven't already figured that out. By nature, girls have lots of cravings. My cravings for food are ridiculous. Well... a few things I'm craving for at the moment are:
Pickles. Did you know if you crave pickles and ice cream at the same time, you're pregnant?
More Persona 4 The Animation episodes. I WANT MOREEE.
More BIGMAMA albums. The next one is coming out in January... I can't wait... It's too painful...
Korean or Japanese food. I need Asian food so I can function.

I can't really crave anything in LaTale. I mean, material wise, I would rather earn what I put in my collection or like wise. I guess I crave:
Shirena Soul Urns. Mine.
Ballong Gems.

Uhh... Yeah that's about it. I farm for these regularly however, so my cravings are usually calmed. As for real life, when are cravings ever calmed? . Well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving so expect me to disappear for a few days. Again, these challenges will be delayed due to the holiday season. See you when I appear again!

By the way, always watch the Midnight Channel.

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