Somethings are rant worthy, some aren't. Put a Ca in front and you get CaRant: a rant that is done by Calamansi. There are times when my opinions get too strong and manifest into complete essays, but words sometimes fail me and I'm left with a made up word to describe my feelings. Let's expand upon what really goes on when I calag or carage or even better, CaRant.
Marriage... Weddings... Just beautiful... At least in real life. I love a good wedding, but usually, in game marriages have no meaning unless the couple is serious about their relationship. Marriages have only one good function and that function is to get a free Valentine's Set during the Valentine's Day Event period, an event that is sporadic as it is devaluating.
There are different types of people who play LaTale. Some are objective and care more about the game more about the people who play it while some are subjective and care more about the people who play the game than the game itself. I find a trend in these two major groups of players. The objective players don't marry their spouses because the timing does not benefit them or the overall function of marriage does not benefit them at all. The subjective players don't hesitate to marry, but they also don't hesitate to divorce and marry once more. Whether which way is the best is something I can't tell you. There's pros and cons to your perspective on gameplay, but as long as it makes you happy, you shouldn't be scrutinized for it.
Needless to say, I will say that if you are serious about a relationship, whether it started on LaTale and is seeping to the real world or vice versa, do not hesitate to get married. I mean, yeah if you want to get the Valentine's Set, then wait, but marriage is a symbol of devotion to your spouse, in LaTale and out in the real world. It's definitely cheaper than a real wedding and when you have a long distance relationship, that's the closest thing to say that you want to be devoted to their partner.
So what if people Server Microphone negative comments about not having a life in response to your vows. You have one thing they don't have and that is a person you can trust, be devoted to and love with all your heart. What matters is what happens between you and your partner, and notice that I say partner. Your marriage is just the seal that shows yourselves and others this solidification of love.
But don't marry if you're not looking for a long term relationship. If you marry for friendship, yeah okay that's fine. If you marry for objective reasons, I hope you enjoy that set. If you marry for love, you better be in friggin' love. There's more to a relationship than just clicking a few buttons. If you can't go beyond those few button clicks, then don't start a relationship in the first place. It really does piss me off to see couples who start pissy fit dramas because their relationships weren't serious enough. It's not hard to get serious, you just need to get comfortable with the idea. Once you get over that, the hard part, then following through is easy.
Anyways, marriage is beautiful, but you need to make it beautiful. Each person has their own motives to get married, some unsavory to what I can accept, but as long as it makes you AND your spouse happy, then do it. It might be a fake, pixelated wedding, but when you're in love, you see beyond those pixels anyways. But always respect your spouse's wishes. If they want the relationship to be serious then either make it serious or let them find someone they can love to the fullest.
But let's call it a day and wait for our next adventure.
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