Friday, April 13, 2012

CaRant: The Old Days

Somethings are rant worthy, some aren't. Put a Ca in front and you get CaRant: a rant that is done by Calamansi. There are times when my opinions get too strong and manifest into complete essays, but words sometimes fail me and I'm left with a made up word to describe my feelings. Let's expand upon what really goes on when I calag or carage or even better, CaRant.

Okay, what the fuck are the Old Days? "Back in the old days, there was a time when such and such happened that was apparently better than the current days." I'm sorry, but I haven't been playing LaTale long enough to reminisce on a time that I was never apart of.

For some reason, the old days were apparently better than what LaTale is currently. But really, were the old days better? In terms of economy, yes, it was better. Things were so much more cheaper, but as a community progresses, inflation occurs and things change. The people who made the community of the old days is gone and replaced with a newer generation that decides these prices. If you want to do something about it, learn what made the prices in the past so low and see if you change it in the present. Reminiscing in the past won't change things, it just makes you delay the inevitable.

I started playing LaTale not so long ago, about two yearish. How would I know how the old days were before my time? I know how LaTale is to me now and to those who have started after me, they see less of what I have already seen. So does it really matter how it was in the old days when we have the present and future to enjoy and change? When you reminisce on those days, the days that much of the community have not been apart of, are you really reminiscing or are you lost in a past that will never come back?

Like I said in an earlier rant, if you look too far into the past, you'll lose sight of the present and the bright future. Sure, if the past was so great, why don't you make the present and future just as great. That's reminiscing well spent, but reminiscing without action is just that, being stuck in a room watching Youtube videos of your fond memories. The difference is that you actually do something influenced by those videos.

Most of the time, however, things done in the past are regrettable. There are happy moments and moments of great success, but there is the negative that we need to learn from and create a better future for ourselves and others. What we learn from our mistakes can make the best of what we face here in the present.

What I'm the most surprised about is that people can actually remember how things were like back then. When I try to think about when I first started playing, all I see is a noob running around, dying and lagging. The only thing that I can fondly remember were the people that populated the past. But that's just me.

I speak so sharply about the old days, but that's only because many people try to use the argument that the old days are better to an audience that doesn't know what they're talking about. I might have experienced a time when Enchanted Experience Nostrums were worth 2,500,00 Ely, but to a person that just started a few months ago, they are absolutely worthless and sometimes given to them for free. It wouldn't be fair for me to weigh the burden of the past on one who is ignorant to it. And it's unfair for you to do the same.

This kinda leads into the discussion of the "myth" that there's an elite, older generation of LaTale that gets the upperhand. But then again, it's like the game of Monopoly; if you join the game later, no matter how good you are at the game, you will have a hard time catching up.

But let's call it a night and wait for our next adventure.

1 comment:

Kitsukoh said...

Old days might havve been better but some of those people who remissness still fail to improve themselves ;D