Friday, April 27, 2012

CaRant: Drama

Somethings are rant worthy, some aren't. Put a Ca in front and you get CaRant: a rant that is done by Calamansi. There are times when my opinions get too strong and manifest into complete essays, but words sometimes fail me and I'm left with a made up word to describe my feelings. Let's expand upon what really goes on when I calag or carage or even better, CaRant.

You know, sometimes we need drama to pressure and stress us in right ways, but excessive drama is just too much. Drama in moderate amounts is solvable, as long you keep up with it and don't make a show of it.

Drama: is it necessary to have it? Yes it is, but in little amounts. Let's define drama in conventual terms we can understand. Drama is just conflict and the consequences of that conflict. It comes in different forms, such as misunderstandings, cruel intensions, psychological rifts, but it's just conflict and the consequences of that conflict. Now, we can try to go through life without conflict, in peace and love, but that's not how the real world works. In order to do the things we want, conflict must arrise and the consequences of that conflict must be dealt with. We pretty up the concept with the word drama.

But, yes, we need it. We have mini drama during our days actually. We need it, yet we don't want it. What we REALLY don't want is the large scale drama, the ones that are destructive and involves everyone in the vicinity. The small scale drama is the one we deal with everyday. For example, denying someone party because you need to leave to go to class. You deal with that conflict or drama with apologizing. See? That wasn't so bad. The large scale drama, now that's different.

I don't know why people insist on large scale drama. It only gets so large scale because you let it get so large scale. When I mean you, I mean everyone. You, the perpetrator. You, the victim. You, the bystander. You, the associated. Just everyone. As simple as that. If you, the perpetrator didn't solve the conflict in a timely manner, then it gets large scale. If you, the victim, don't let the perpetrator come to a compromise or solution to the problem, then it gets large scale. If you, the bystander, get involved in something that is not your business, then it gets large scale. If you the associated, don't help the communication between the perpetrator and the victim, then it gets large scale. It's a simple concept of being human, being accepting, being peaceful that people seem to screw the fuck up.

I deal and sort with a lot of drama as a part of my job as a guild leader. Most of the time it's small scale, but rarely, it's large scale that spans the course of a few weeks. I accept it as a way and part of life. You just need to deal with it and not let it discourage you. Yes, I do feel depressed at times, but that feeling goes away eventually and I'll still have a problem. Like they say, you can't fix a problem if you keep running from it. Solving problems takes a type of fearlessness that many people don't want to take. You have to talk, argue and worm your way into the central people of subject and the diaspora that surrounds the people. Most of the time, it's really messy, like a battle field, but you have to do something or risk losing everything you've come to know and love.

But people who just make large scale drama just for the hell of it? Are you the devil's advocate or are you mentally insane? Finding pleasure in the grief of others is morbid, but I'm sure we've been exposed to those feelings when people we don't like are in grief, but to do it intentionally in order to get those feelings is another thing. Did you know that psychopaths are people who don't feel remorse, don't have commitments and do as they please as if nothing ever happened? I think that fits a lot of the actions of those who just cause large scale drama for the hell of it. The point is, if you start it, you're responsible for it and you must fix it or you'll be a major ass hat. If someone has to fix it for you, then you're probably the most responsible, reliable, considerate being on this planet.

Let's move away from the negative though. Did you know that the mistakes in the past will help you make better decisions in the future? The mistakes you've done in the past that causes drama can actually help you learn what to do in situations, how to cope with grief or stress, force you to get out of your comfort zone. In order to live, you must experience and in order to experience, you must make mistakes. Nothing in this world is perfect and runs on a perfect schedule. Things happen for a reason, whether to open our eyes or change our lives. This is more than drama, this is your ability to interact with people and when you put the middle finger to someone when they're trying to compromise, then you're going about it all wrong.

But let's call it a day and wait for our next adventure.

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