Monday, November 7, 2011

Molest Monday

-yawn- Monday... Again...? Ugh, I hate it when Monday rolls around... Anyways, it's the end of week 1 and it's day 7. I'll be showing you guys pictures of someone/something that has the biggest impact on me.

Someone or something that has the biggest impact on me... Hmm... Well, what haven't I said that has an impact on me. My best friends. John. Oh wait... Hmm... Well... There is one thing... It kinda defines who I am now, in terms of interests, mannerisms and who I associate myself with.

Haha, I'm so lame , but what can I say? Japanese culture really influences who I am. Japanese fashion, multimedia and mannerisms create the basis of my personality that I build into something I can call unique. Although I am not Japanese myself, I feel more closer and I can easily associate myself with other Asians. It's a weird phenomenon really. Those with abstract culture can find it easily to gather and create friendships, but those without such an abstract culture must find other means of gathering. But in the mean time, I'm okay with watching anime, reading fanfiction, listening to Japanese music and drooling over Japanese fashion. Japan really just makes me who I am.

Let's see... Real life is a bit hard to say what impacts me the most, but LaTale is fairly easy. I know exactly what impacts me the most.

My guild, Inflation, impacts me the most on LaTale and it clearly shows. I'm proud to be an Inflation girl . Although people have a bias towards the guild that I love so much, I don't particularly care. If they don't try it, then let them miss out. Have them make decisions when they never have been in the guild I say. If you've been in the guild and at least tried it, then you're justified to make any decision or opinion about the guild. Now... what was I talking about... Oh, how it impacts me.

Inflation gives me a purpose or goals to accomplish in addition to what I want to accomplish in the game. Goals in particular are hard to come by at times. Once I complete short term goals and look at my long term goals, but my goals in particular are silly ones (i.e. get a stack of Shirena Soul Urns, get an inventory full of Ballong Gems, get the Webfoot Octopus Salad title) and will take a long time to take. ` It also gives me reason to keep logging on every day. I already admitted that I don't really have a big buddy list and even if I wasn't in a guild, I'd still keep my buddy list small. The buddy list doesn't tell me who logs on so if people log on without talking, which a lot of people do by the way, I am unaware that they have done so most of the time, that is until they log off. In the past, I was informed that it wasn't like this and it gave a sound notification when someone logged on, but I'd rather have a flurry of hellos and welcome backs in purple than pink.

That's the end of week 1. Week 2 is about to begin! Come back tomorrow and see what I have in store...~

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