Saturday, November 5, 2011


Saturday... . I love Saturdays. I get to sleep in... Do things I want... Until Saturday evening when I start my homework . Anyways, it's day 5 and I'm going to be showing a few pictures of places I've been to.

It always seems that I'm going to food restaurants with my best friends. We're food enthusiasts. It's fun really . But they aren't too special. I mean, I've been overseas before, but it's just... typical of someone to say that now a days. So I'm going to say that I've been somewhere people who are interested in the same things as me would be envious of.

I've been to Anime Expo. AX 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011. Each one became more and more intense and fun. The first time I went, I cosplayed, but it was minor. I only went for 1 day and that was that. The next year, I didn't cosplay, but I went for 2 days. The year after that, I went with Bunny and we cosplayed 1 out of the 2 days we went. This year, I went with MK and we went all out, cosplaying 2 of the 4 days we went. Maybe next year for AX 2012, MK and I will cosplay all 4 days... I want to cosplay as Princess Sapphire...

Omg. Where haven't I been in LaTale? As opposed to real life, LaTale is relatively small and you can explore it. Unlike . What this? A convient place to talk about the new content that came out Thursday. I won't be going in depth about it just yet, since I need a certain man to hold my hand through one of the higher leveled areas whose name is totally not JohnGee, but I'll give you a brief taste of what to expect.

By the way, I found out the Guild Box NPC's name is Lani. Time to update this with up-to-date information! Look forward to my overview of the El Anior Mountains overview and tomorrow for my next challenge!

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