Haha! Did I scare you? I'm still alive. Barely. I'm getting hit hard by my midterms and papers, so this update is a bit late. Later than what I usually define as late. But yeah. Halloween is around the corner, but LaTale is currently celebrating it's 3rd Year Anniversary. Happy 3rd Year Ani LaTale! Let's take a look, shall we?
Before I begin with the festivities, I would like to introduce to you Suzaku the Jiggy!

He's been rotting away in my inventory because I was waiting for Johnette to die, but now he's emerged from this coupon. I love my little piglet

I've been leveling the little thing up while I farmed for useless things and things pertaining to the event. I can't wait to get him to level 20 so I can make him a baby forever. Forever. With that out of the way, let's talk about the LaTale 3rd Year Anniversary Event. While strumming away at mobs of monsters, I stumbled upon something called the LaTale World Ticket.

These tickets will grant you access to the event map. The event map consists of two NPCs and a lot of broken hopes and dreams-- I mean, disappointment to some. What I thought was nifty, however, was that the map had this pretty banner.

The first NPC you encounter is the LaTale World Mir, whom is the NPC you redeem your rewards.

You can redeem rewards through LaTale World Coupons, which are obtainable through the LaTale World Gift Boxes or dropped by various event monsters (chests and bombers to be specific). Of the rewards you can receive, there is 10 day fashion items, 3rd Anniversary Food, Warp Sharpnel, LaTale World Gift Boxes and more. I find myself redeeming my stacks of coupons for the LaTale World Gift Box the most, however. The second NPC you encounter is the LaTale World Toma, whom is the NPC that leads you to the three different event maps with different objectives. In order to enter the map, you must accept one of the three quests she offers and complete it. From there, you will be given a buff that allows you an amount of time to stay in that map.

The first quest lets you enter the Invoke map. You are given a buff that lasts 10 minutes. Essentially, it's a map where chests drop, much like spa, and an Invoke boss that does only knockback attacks annoys you to death. It takes a long time to kill Invoke (unless you're a certain class with a certain move that instant kills it) because you do 1-2 damage every hit or so. When you defeat Invoke, however, you do get drops, at least from what some people have reported to me. To the normal Joe, aka Cala, the chests would be your focus.

But yeah. There is a lot of chaos that occurs at first, but once you figure it out, you start going after chests. Chests do have low drop rate, so I recommend that you use Item Drop Rate potions to give you an edge. Chests drop LaTale World Coupons and LaTale World Gift Boxes.

Woooo! By now, you'll be so excited and joyous-- then other people come into your channel and you're put into a situation where you're competing for chests. It is unfortunate, but all event maps are shared channels, much like the Wasteland event map from the Green Thumb event. If you're challenged with a lot of people competing for chests, then there is still hope (somewhat)!
The second quest lets you enter the Longest Tree map. You are given a buff that lasts 10 minutes. You are first greeted by Ases just standing there being Ases. Why, hello Ases. What is this? You have a quest for me?

The object of this is to climb to the top and reach Ignate to turn in the quest. Easy enough, right? Along the way, there will be Lilliput Air force mobs that are simply there to knock you back, which can be irritating to those who lag heavily. Like me.

Fortunately (or unfortunately) there are power ups that increase your jump height or speed significantly. Be wary, you might lag jump yourself off a leaf. Or a ladder. Or just lag in general. Once you reach the top, Ignate will be there, waiting for you like the creeper he is.

Once you turn in the quest, you will be kicked out of the map and returned to Elias. Your reward is a LaTale World Magic Box, which rewards you with either 5 LaTale World Gift Boxes, 4 LaTale World Gift Boxes, 3 LaTale World Gift Boxes, 2 LaTale World Gift Boxes, 1 LaTale World Gift Box, 50 LaTale World Coupons, 30 LaTale World Coupons or 20 LaTale World Coupons.

The third quest lets you enter the "Magical Chairs" map. Oooo... Sounds inviting... Sounds mysterious... Sounds...

Boring. It's just a long map with benches where you get exp much like in spa. So, in essence, it's a spa, only it lasts 2 hours. Good for lazy low leveled players. Bad for lazy high leveled players. LaTale World Gift Boxes don't drop in these maps at all, so they're generally neglected.
What is the point of this event then? Well, as mentioned above, LaTale World Coupons can be traded in for a variety of goodies from Event Mir while LaTale World Gift Boxes hold the bulk of the event wealth. Majority of the time, the gift boxes will reward you with LaTale World Juice, LaTale World Beef Burgers or LaTale World Sandwiches.

I'm a ranker and I'm a millionaire Guide Books will seldom appear in your inventory. It is hinted that none of these titles are obtainable due to a current bug, but one cannot say for sure because they are obtainable at 1/1000 success rate. Regardless, if you are able to obtain these two titles along with two other event titles that have not been released yet, you have the chance to get the I'm handsome title from Shalo.

Do you remember Fancy Boxes? They're back! But occasionally, you'll get something new. The Honey Pig Set Coupon and the Cobra Set Coupon.

Like the Fancy Box, if you open either of the Set Coupons, you'll get one piece of fashion, but they will be part of their respective sets. These fashion pieces are tradeable and are heavily sought after by fashion collectors. I had a hard time finding my Honey Pig Top, mostly because nobody wanted to sell theirs or someone would be selling it at the wrong time for me. I'm still looking for a few more fashion pieces and I better hurry. They may never appear again. Two other very rarely seen rewards from the gift box is the Rat Costume Coupon and the Pet Coupon. To my knowledge, the Pet Coupon has all the pets in the game so far, including the elusive Husky pet. I have yet to see a Pet Coupon in the market, however. Thus, it shall be as nonexistent as the previous Colosseum Desire Coupon was, at least to the normal player. The Rat Costume Coupon can be redeemed at Toma, regular Toma mind you. There's two versions of the set, but the set's additional stats are the same.

Speaking of Toma, have you been snooping around her item lists lately? Apparently there are some things that are getting people excited.

In the Weak and Strong Special Armor Coupons, Instance Boss Armor Sets like Sphinx and Vintor have been added. Also, Normal Class cases and Sub Class cases have been added. Other than crafting Sub Class cases, getting the cases from these coupons have been the quickest way to get these floating shiny things. Though, I will never use one. Because I hate Maestro.

In the Ultimate Special Weapon Coupons, Sky Kingdom Sub Class Weapons have been added, along with Phantom Mage Elemental Stones. Too bad that the Ultimate Special Weapon Coupons are almost nonexistent. Oh well. I didn't take a screenshot of it, but Colosseum Sub Class Weapons have been added to the Colosseum Desire Coupon. Colosseum Weapons just make me physically ill. They all look the same and so bland. Why try when Minstrels are given an ugly ass guitar that forces them to be support builds. I'll stick with my light green butterfly guitar.

What else is going on.... Oh yes! If you go into Fashion Shop, you'll see two new items.

The latter is to charge the title rings. Why you would want to do that is beyond me, but let's focus on the former. The Costume Unisex Capsule. If you have a fashion item that is originally meant for the opposite gender, you can now make it unisex. Which ones? If you go to Shalo in front of the Beauty Shop in Elias, you can check the list of eligible fashion items. Here's just a few that caught my eye.

I do wish that they changed the coding for the items, however, and not do this. It's more or less penalizing a lot of girls for being girls. Oh well, I digress.

Ak. An update snuck pass me. Darn it. But I'm not too concerned cause I already did an overview of it. Wait what? Remember last year when we had the Halloween Event? Ah good times... Throwing snowballs at pumpkins and Gentleman Jacks, opening Candy Baskets to see what was inside, strutting around in Sufferer's Sets. Good times. Well, the Halloween Event hasn't changed much. It hasn't changed at all. But that's okay. It was still fun. You can see what we did last year here.

It's time for me to hide in my hole once more. I know you're sad, but, I'll be over the rainbow. Until then, I'm bald, but only momentarily.

1 comment:
your blog is still amazing me like horie chan's blog.
keep it up cala!
and good luck with college.
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