Sunday, May 1, 2011

Banana to Butterfly

What noise do octopi make? Is it a squirting sound? Or a squeak of sorts. I'm not sure, I don't think I'll never be sure. But anyways, last week we got a content update, the Webfoot Octopus Temple and the Quiz. I'm enjoying this update because of the new maps (and new flow of quests...) along with delicious titles... Let's be vegetables and hop around the salad of our golden lives.

Ah... We have delicious new maps. In order to get to the Webfoot Octopus Temple, you must go to the Elias Airport and talk to Janice. Choose the 3rd option and warp to the Temple.

Welcome to Die! Err, I mean. Welcome to the Webfoot Octopus Temple! This is a level 130-155 area in which the mobs get harder with each map. The top maps contain majority of the cat mobs while the bottom maps contain majority of the... uh... other things I guess. But I'm getting ahead of myself. The first thing you see when you arrive is this.

Just when did Siam turn into an Octopus Sausage that has a chin shaped like multiple male genitals? I really want to know what kind of mutation occurred for this obscene monstrosity exist in such a wor- Oh yes, I forgot. This is LaTale. Sorry guys.

So yeah, this is the entrance. The NPC sells some pots and warp capsules. Yup, Octopus Temple has its own warp capsule.

It's not worth it. It's pretty cute though... It reminds me of when I was a little girl, my dad would take my hand and take me to the ice cream truck. I'd get one of those character shaped ice cream pops. You know, I really miss those. I think I'll get one the next time the pedo truck comes around. But let's talk about kitties and octopi.

There's a wide variety of mobs available to hunt and kill. There's Hamster Slimes, Footprint Cats, and more. As you go further into the temple, you'll find weirder and weirder things.

What kind of temple is this? It reminds me a little bit of New York and Los Angeles. You know, the Octopus of Freedoms are the Statues of Liberty and the war between the cats and the octopus is like the gang war between the Crips and the Bloods. The only difference is that... well...

The boss of it all is... a Webfoot Octopus in a UFO. Also known as the UFO Octopus. Yeah... I have no comment...

It's powerful and it's attack pattern is hard to figure out at first, but eventually, you'll get used to it.
There are many quests for the temple and that's an understatement. There are literally enough quests to keep you busy in that temple for quite a while. Starting at around 128, the quests reach all the way up to 140. Most of the quests are scattered around Elias while a minority of the quests is given by the Sir Siam NPC. There are a few quests that only people who have done 3rd job quests up to Aqua Garden.

Throughout the temple, there are small octopi called Fresh Octopus and Aghast Octopus. In order to "kill" them, you must use the Collection skill obtained after completing the A threat of Abyss and Eye ball of far away.. quests and upon accepting the Dragon's egg exploration quest in the 3rd Job General quests sequence. Only then can you complete the Collection related quests given by the Sir Siam NPC. In addition to the quests, there are special guidebooks that drop from the mobs. From the normal mobs, you can get a Webfoot Octopus Salad Guidebook. The higher the level of the mob, the more likely the guidebook will drop. The success rate is 1/10000, the same rate of the God of Shopping Guidebooks. Good luck! The title is blue and gives the user 400 hp and 400 additional hp to themselves and their party members when they are in a party. From the boss, the only thing worthwhile that drops from it is another title guidebook. The drop rate for this guidebook seems to be pretty low and nobody I've asked knows what it's called. John got the guidebook once and he said it was 1/4 success rate (he failed it like usual). Too bad he didn't tell me the name of the title. Eventually, someone will get it and we'll get more information, but it's too early to speculate. I really want the Salad title. I want to be a salad. Salad

Other than the Webfoot Octopus Temple, we were given the Quiz in terms of content. The rules are simple. Every three hours, a quiz will start. In order to participate, you need to press a button to the side with the level up fairy with the word Quiz. You're given a few seconds before it disappears. If it happens and you want to still participate, change your channel and it should appear again. The point of the quiz is to get the highest score. You're given a time limit to think about the question then another time limit to answer the question. The faster you answer the question, the more points you receive. After every question, the rankings will refresh. Under the rankings, there are two buttons. One is something that we know how to use at the moment and it's the chance. You're given 10 chances and it functions as an all or nothing bet. If you get the question correct when you activate the chance, you get double points. If you get the question incorrect when you activate the chance, you get deducted points. There are 30 questions and at the end, you are awarded experience according to your ranking. It's simple enough, right?

Not really. It seems that there's questions that are very cryptic.

Or some that are very specific.

Or just plain wrong. You just need to take a guess sometimes.

What else did we get... Oh yes. If you take a walk in Elias, maybe running around free market to spend your hard earned ely, you'll find this little guy.

Meow! Neko! This little kitty lets you exchange items gathered from the mobs of the temple to get a Simmering Delicious Cuisine item.

You can get mostly crap from it, but on that off chance, you might get something good. When you do, well...

This happens. I really am grateful that the rate of getting something good is very low. Since we all know ourselves well and since we know everyone else well, people are able somehow to get a lot of these and the chances are, we would get things like this microphoned every minute. It would be like a certain other game. You know, one with a chance system using real money that is named after a real life chance system using real money in Japan. But, I digress.

The Prime LaDeck Capsule is bugged at this point of time, but it's basically like the Simmering Delicious Cuisine item, only it looks like a gold Pokeball (hey remember in the 2nd generation anime season and Ash was delivering this MK whatsitcalled gold ball to Kurt in Azelea Town? That one) and it gives better things. Just lurk on the forums to find the lists of what you can get from both chance items posted by someone with no life, you know, other than grinding. You know how important that is compared to a job and an education.


May 5th at 8 o'clock I will take my AP Literature and Composition Exam.
May 10th at 12 o'clock I will take my AP French Language Exam.
May 11th at 12 o'clock I will take my AP Statistics Exam.
These next two weeks I will die socially and potentially fail all of them. Especially the French one.


So, wish me luck because I'm going to need it. Anyone else taking these exams, I wish you the best of luck! When in doubt, eliminate then guess. But if you're like me, you'll get it wrong. Stupid multiple choice! You always screw me over... Well, I bid you adieu for now. I will embrace life and let it consume my being, at least for just a small period of time. Until then, let's wrap ourselves in ribbons of rainbows and tie it tight with chocolate hearts and tags that say don't open until life is less cruel.

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