Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays!

I hope everyone is having a great holiday break. Mine isn't wasn't too eventful, but just so filled with love. Also, super duper short for some reason, I can't find a reason other than being in Las Vegas to explain it.

Saturday, December 25th, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I hope you had a wonderful time with your family, friends, and significant other! I sure did. I'm not going to be lame and list what I got for Christmas; I'm not that selfish.

Sunday, December 26th, 2010
JohnGee's 18th Birthday. I love my baby so very much. Last year, we couldn't celebrate it together because he was in the Philppines for the holidays, but this year it was different.

He's the sunshine in my East gate, the red that starts my rainbow, and the first beat that starts my heart. Again, I'm a description cliched person, but that's beside the point. I consider myself lucky that John was born on this day, this very day, because if he wasn't, I don't know where I would be right now. Maybe aimlessly walking the Earth falling in and out of love without the one I truly belong with. Maybe in a grave covered in the blood of an innocent girl that just has too many problems too fast. But I digress. Happy Birthday John, you mean everything to me.

Tuesday, December 28th, 2010
Yes, it's a week of celebration for me. The 28th of every month always marks our XX Month Anniversary and this is our 18th. A year and a half of dating and still going strong.

But I love him more. I LOVE HIM MORE

Well, it's today, and tomorrow we leave for Vegas noon sharp. I still have to do a few things before then (this for example), but I'll be seeing you all on the other side of that multicolored rainbow.

Happy New Year! My New Year resolution: get to you.
Well, my family at Las Vegas for New Years. It's always been our tradition to wear red and no black for good luck, so good luck to you all and you'll be seeing me on the other side of the new year; the year of 2011.

Happy New Year!

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