Sunday, December 19, 2010

the cookie crumbles

"Oh dear, look down! There is a starving alligator. Be careful, look up! Mr.Tiger is inviting me. Behind on my back, a python sissing and kissing, Waiting for a chance to swallow me up. Give me a break, The cookie crumbles." (the cookie crumbles by BIGMAMA)

I got off my lazy butt and actually did something for a change. I went exploring and did a few things. I went quest crazy and enjoyed it. I made some eggnog and lagged in mobs of dragons throwing tomes of wind, but we made some progress. Here, I'll recount my experiences in Xenadia: the quests that I toiled against, the difficulties that caused dreaded frustration, and the strange anomalies that create LaTale what it is to this day. WARNING: Very picture heavy. Not for the browser faint of heart.

Where is Xenadia? Well, to the right of Elfa, there is an area called Orca Beach. If you continue going right...

you'll encounter a new map. You'll be stopped by a "kid,"

and Xenadia is just a step away. You'll first notice that there's a few new mobs in this area.

Is this subtle foreshadowing? I'm not sure but the dragon is cute. Let's take a mini tour of the wonderful land of Xenadia, shall we?

As you can expect, there are new maps and monsters, however the main maps are just so large that it puts all other areas in the game to shame. In addition to the large maps, the mobs of monsters will induce large amounts of lag. They all seem to want your head, whether or not you mean harm or not.

Xenadia's monsters are mostly level 140. There are level 40 monsters in the Aqua Garden area, level 80 monsters in the Garden of Earth area and level 180-190 monsters in the second Ruin Area. Most of the time, however, if you're higher than level 140, you won't be hit too often.

I really like the music here. It's just so calming, even when you're in the depths of lag and sometimes death. Unfortunately, most of the rooms in Xenadia are quest related, so the main maps of Xenadia are the only ones of worth. But regardless, why are we here? To advance to our 3rd job, that's what! Here's some "suggestions" before tackling this 30+ quest marathon.

It's helpful to be in a party. Some of the quests require you to go into an instance typed room and it's just more fun to bash away at monsters with friends. Be mindful, however, after a certain point, quests will differ for different classes.

Xenadia is a very large area and will induce large amount of lag and/or frustration. A Warp Crystal would be beneficial if you don't already have one. The irises of Xenadia don't require any load time in between them (except if you were to warp to the Aqua Garden iris) so you can jump to one part of Xenadia in seconds without running all over the place like an idiot.
A lot of patience is a must! Some classes' quests require you to do tedious, sometimes impossible things. Just keep at it and before long, you'll achieve your goals.

Ask questions, the ones who struggled before you are your friends. Well, not really, but if you're stuck on a certain part, whether or not it's a general or class specific quest, ask one of your peers. Hopefully they're nice enough to answer.

Let's begin! (General Quests)

The first quest is obtained from Berkhart at the entrance of the Temple Area. You must kill 50 Chibi Orions in the Chibi Orion Room in the Center Area.

I have to say, these little things are the cutest little things I've ever seen...

Who would harm something so cute...? Well, I did, so I guess my hands are covered in the grease of the innocent.

The next quest is obtained from Berkhart. You must collect 50 Chibi Gears from the Chibi Orions in the Chibi Orion Room in the Center Area.

Not very challenging.

After molesting Chibi Orions, Berkhart assigns you to kill 10 Bewitched Linches, 10 Bewitched Pants, and 10 Bewitched Basargs. They are located in the bottom left corner of the Temple Area near the Room of Steel portal.

They look like their regular counter parts, but they're mixed in with the Xenadia mobs, so you might have trouble killing enough for your quest. -cough-Pants-cough-.

The next quest from Berkhart requires you to collect 10 Pants's Underwear, 10 Basarg's Can, and 10 Linch's Nailed Stick.

This may take you a while to complete because of the low spawn, especially if you're competing with another for them. But, it's only early in the marathon, so you'll finish rather quickly.

The next two quests are received from the NPC next to Berkhart, Sister Maris. They require you to go to certain places at the Aqua Garden area. Let's go!

You'll notice that there is a bunch of cute little baby dragons just waiting for you to kill them and a bunch of strange plants and mining ores. Ignore them for now and go to the following areas.

The three areas in the garden part are for the quest A threat of Abyss. You have to enter the Deep Sea Area (Solo) and (Party), however you only have to pass by the Deep Sea Area (General) portal. The quest Eye ball of far away.. is completed in the Iris Room to the right of the garden area. You might have to jump where the Iris stone is in order to fulfill the Hidden Mission requirement and turn it into the NPC in the room.

Sister Maris assigns you to collect 10 Egg of Water, 10 Egg of Earth, 10 Egg of Wind, and 10 Rare Eggs. Upon accepting the quest, you learn a new skill called Collection.

With this new skill, you can collect the eggs scattered around the garden area of Aqua Garden (along with the random plants that dot the landscape of Xenadia if you please).

They are located mostly on the left most side of the map and look like eggs with a little bit of whipped cream on top. The purple eggs are the Eggs of Water, the beige eggs are the Eggs of Earth, the green eggs are the Eggs of Wind, and the red eggs are the Rare Eggs.

After collecting the eggs, Sister Maris sends you to go to the Garden of the Earth Iris.

Again, you might have to jump on the Iris Stone in order to fulfill the Hidden Mission requirement and turn it into Sister Sistina.

The next quest requires you to go to the Room of Restriction and kill 30 Ancient Arcne.

There's creepy cocoons in there, but your target at this point are the spiders.

The next quest requires you to go back to the Room of Restriction and Free 30 monsters. You free them by killing the cocoons that are in the room.

I'm sure this is a nightmare to anyone with the irrational fear of spiders.

The next quest has you return to the Room of Restriction (I'm sure you're sick of going to that room, I was too ) and kill more cocoons in order to Free 15 Sisters and Free 15 God Governors.

Tired of the Room of Restriction yet? There's one more quest in there in which you have to collect 50 Scar Bands. You'll be glad to know that this is the last of the General quests in that dreaded room.

The next quest has you exterminate 30 Xenadia Mimics in the Treasure Room, left of the Garden of the Earth Iris.

After killing some man eating treasure chests, you'll receive 4 quests from Sister Sistina.

These quests require you to kill 30 Rockers the spirit of earth, 30 Hamehas the spirit of water, 30 Fairies the spirit of fire, and 30 Harupis the spirit of wind. These mobs are located in the Holy Place of Earth, Holy Place of Water, Holy Place of Fire, and Holy Place of Wind respectively. These maps are clumped together near the entrance of Xenadia in the Temple Area.

After killing the monsters, return to Sister Sistina to receive the next 2 quests.

You must collect 10 Crystals of Fire, 10 Crystals of Water, 10 Crystals of Earth, and 10 Crystals of Wind and kill 20 Rockers of the spirit of earth, 20 Hamehas the spirit of water, 20 Fairies the spirit of fire, and 20 Harupis the spirit of wind. These are located at the Holy Places in the Temple Area .

It's time to migrate from the Garden of the Earth to the Center Area and
Ruin Area! This next quest will have you travel to the Field of Holy Knight 1 and turn in the quest to Platina in the Field of Holy Knight 2. In order to get to the Field of Holy Knight 1, you must go to the Center Area and use the stone statue in the center of the bottom area to travel to the upper area.

Please note, you cannot use this stone statue to access the upper areas of Xenadia until you've completed all the quests to this point.

You will receive 3 quests from Platina. She asks you to kill 15 Pins (Status of Wanderer), 30 Wandering Sisters, and 30 Corrupted Temple Knights. These mobs are located in the Ruin Area just above the Center Area.

All I have to say about this part is wow.

I absolutely enjoy killing the Wandering Sisters. They make funny noises when they get hit and die. They look like they're screaming in utter pain when hit and die. They have defined breasts that giggle somewhat when they are stationary. Their hair just goes everywhere like how Bayonetta's hair can summon demons. Their soulless light blue eyes bore into your own, pulling the red string between your consciousness and sanity... The sound of their grief and despair fuels my never ending description of them. But, I digress. After turning these quests, you will have finished all the General quests. Congratulations! Your frustration has only begun!

Now, from this point on, every class have a different path and specific set of quests. Since I'm a Bard, I'll only detail the quests leading up to Minstrel. If you're not a Bard, I heavily suggest you just skip to the bottom or something so you don't get confused and controlled by bitter rage.

Let's begin once more! (Bard Specific Quests )

The first quest given to you is by Platina. She will give you her Pebble and you have to deliver it to an NPC named Sister Neria. She is located in the first map of the Ruin Area right next to the Sacred Song Room.

Become familiar with Neria, she's the NPC you'll be receiving a lot of your quests from.

Upon receiving the next quest, you will learn a new skill, Silvery Voice.

You will use this skill often through out the next few quests. For instance, in order to complete A singing stone, you must enter the Sacred Song Room and use the Silvery Voice skill in order to fulfill the Hidden Mission requirement.

It's also very cute looking. Only Bards receive this skill, so make your friends jealous by spamming it in their faces.

Sister Neria will give you 4 more quests after completing the last one. The first requires you to collect 20 Empty Stones by killing Corrupted Temple Knights in the Ruin Area. The second has you collect 10 Pieces of Singing Stone from the Ancient Arcne in the Room of Restriction (I'm sick of that room, I swear ). The third has you collect 20 Remarkable Stones from Humbabas in the Gloomy Room, located near the Ruin Area Iris. Beware, the mobs in the second map of the Ruin Area are level 180-190 and you may die if you're like me. High leveled and overly used to having the previous mobs miss you 95% of the time. The fourth has you collect 20 Beautiful Stones from the Wandering Sisters, located in the Ruin Area. I rejoice at the last one.

I cannot stress enough that I love killing these things. I just feel so satisfied by killing one. I need to kill one right now...

You will be given 3 more quests after completing the last 4. The first has you go to the Rage Room which is located near the center of the first Ruin Area.

Here you must kill the Pin boss that is inside in order to collect 1 Unusual Stone. The next one has you go to the Treasure Room, left of the Garden of the Earth Iris Room. You must kill one of the skeletons to collect 1 Artistic Stone. The third will have you go to the Deep Sea Area (Solo) in the Aqua Garden area and kill the Escaped Hyunmu inside to collect 1 Clean Stone.

The next 3 quests will have you trek around Xenadia a bit. The first asks you to collect 50 Singing Stones from the Pluton Sisters of Water and Fire, which are located all throughout the Center Area, Temple Area, and Garden of the Earth Areas. Though they have a very dispersed spawn, I found that the bottom area near the portal to the Garden of the Earth 2 in the Temple Area has a large spawn of Pluton Sisters of Fire, so you could just go in a circle and never run out of Sisters to kill. The second quest has you go to the Field of Ancient King located in the bottom left corner of the Outer Area. You must kill the King Rabana inside in order to collect 1 Stone inscribed with Music.

He shouldn't be as annoying as the real Rabana though.

The third quest has you go to the Field of Holy Knight 2, kill Platina, and collect 1 Stone of Rhythm. Please note, when you have to go to a quest specific room (For example the Rage Room) you will be given a 30 minute buff from the NPC you received the quest from.

If you go goof off or take a break and the buff runs you, you won't be able to enter the room you need to complete the quest. Don't fret, though. You will be able to receive the buff again after abandoning the quest in question and reaccepting it from the NPC. I had to reaccept the Secret of blue dragon's lady quest after doing this for my baby's Strider quest.

But regardless, do not panic if you find that you cannot get to the boss you need.

These next few quests are my favorite. Why? Well, they just are. Sister Neria will send you to the Aqua Garden to search for a Yellow Singing Stone. How do we find this stone? Hmm...

Well, remember those weird mine rocks that if you tried to mine them, nothing would come out? Not to mention they would take so long to break. The Singing Stone drops from these mining rocks, but since it takes so long to break them, it seems to be a daunting job. In order to preserve your sanity, you have to use the Silvery Voice skill and "listen" to the rocks.

It would be helpful if your Sound settings were on for this. If the rock makes a cheery ring (dingring in my opinion), then start mining. If the rock makes a craggy donk (a dunk in my opinion), don't bother with it.

The same thing with this quest, only you're looking for a Sky Blue Singing Stone and Purple Singing Stone.

And the same with this, only you're looking for a Yellow Green Singing Stone and a Pink Singing Stone.

I'm proud to announce that this is the second to last quest until you can advance to Minstrel! Go to the Sacred Song Room and gaze upon the Singing Stones, they look so pretty. Go ahead and use the Silvery Voice skill to fulfill the Hidden Mission requirement.

Once you receive your Skill Reset and the item required for advancing, you'll realize how close you are to your goal.

Doesn't it feel good that you went through all that? Let's go get our 3rd job advancement!

Head to the Top of Xenadia which is the top center of the second Ruin Area. After reaching a portal, the NPC back at Orca Beach will stop you and annoy you for a minute or two, tantalizing you with the taste of glory.

The top of Xenadia is so very pretty. The sky is a midnight blue with stars looking down at you overhead. The scenery is a pretty forest green and fresh crisp grass green with a silvery, wisp blue tree in the middle. Approach the tree and the kid will reveal herself as the Goddess Seres, talk for about a minute or two (depending on how fast you're clicking through the conversation) and in an anticlimactic explosion, you'll advance to a Minstrel .


You can turn in the last quest to Shalo right outside of the Elias Beauty Shop and collect 10,000,000 Ely.

As it is with all classes, you will receive 5 SS5 coins to recover your 5th tier skill. Be sure to utilize the skill reset you received in the second to last quest, some of the new skills and trees might not suit your fancy. Remember! If you learn your 5th tier and reset, you will have to collect 5 more SS5 coins. But anyways, Calamansi is a Minstrel! The only bard part I can comment about being a Minstrel is a temporary problem as of now. I use a Xtatic set because I'm not a PvPer and I generally dislike Colosseum. Any class armor is not compatible with 3rd jobbers, so my Xtatic set is grayed out.

I hope they fix this soon, I won't be able to do anything until they fix it. So, for now I just sit and get used to my new keys. Oh, Minstrels get their own little drumming Monkey.

His name is Bobo. Bobo means stupid in Filpino. But anyways, Bard and Meister advancement quests are the easiest to do so I was able to do mine in about 4 hours and 30 minutes in total. John finished his quests in about 4-6 hours (I'm not sure because I took a nap while he was doing the last quests) and we took his Strider for a spin.

Yeah, the damage is off the charts at 221k. Moving on, Ruin Walkers are running about, spamming their cannons and broad jump boards. They give me a mindless giggle and sometimes they can get you stuck...

You should try it. It caused us to laugh for a few minutes.

I hope this helped a few people out. Sometimes, you just need to take a second to make a difference. Happy 3rd Jobbing !


Minstrel said...

Congratz for ur 3rd Job and this post its very good from the quests from minstrel.... I gonna do one of each character but I need level up all the class to lv 140 Y.Y thats the unique problem but if u want one comment from ur post is this: "Ur post is really good and very informative and I like it"

DrewSoIcey said...

Its KingXerxes I like all your posts And hope there are many more add me as a friend on here and youtube so if i'am not on you will be able to contact me And Merry Christmas to you and the rest of the guild [8^0