The musings of a guild leader are always full of drama. I wouldn't deny that my own musings aren't free of the dreaded drama bug, but we're all human. It's just that guild leaders are more exposed to those sort of things. What makes you different though, is your ability to come back from cloud nine to the people you love.
OGPlanet, do I need to petition to get you to implement these levels? Well do I? If I have to lower myself to clean the loose ends that your company hasn't implemented when we are long overdue, I might as well start petitioning to get the GA system removed, petition for you to hire a licensed psychologist for each of your games and petition for you to hire a licensed sociologist for each of your games. Why would I want to do it? 1. Oh it's coming. 2. Having a psychologist study the psychology of your audience can help you cater to their needs and gain a profit (how about selling that information to other companies, or better yet, keep it to yourself and gain more economic power). 3. Having a sociologist can help shape and better the societies of your games, which are under great criticism whether you advertise the game as being the "friendliest" MMO or not. So wait, why am I talking about this? Oh yes, guild levels. You see where I can draw the line?
I can see your reasoning against this though. There's only one guild that can qualify. Hi, look at the guild below us. They're nearing the threshold too. Needless to say, you've mostly hurt the guilds who are trying to get more guild points by implementing the guild penalty, something of which you can remove, and eliminating Heijong Seals from Vintor. Pick your poison OGPlanet: guild levels or guild points cause at the moment, we have both and it's liquefying my logic as to how this is beneficial to you as a company if one of your features is diminishing.
Although the maximum capacity won't increase, guild stats will increase, but are those little stats really that important, so important, that it'll put others at disadvantage? Needless to say, some people don't care about the stats, but they rather choose by the guild itself. Some people don't even know the guilds give stats. Some choose by tendency because of the designs of the guild items or room. But you know what, is it the stats that is holding them back or is it something else?
It's something else. Definitely something else. I have an inkling of an idea of what it is, but without support, I'd be ostracized. So I'll keep it to myself for now. My overall point is my astounding confusion as to why we don't have these levels yet. I mean, it's just a guild level. It's not like a major content release like Season 2 or a new area or feature. It's just a guild level. It just blows my mind that something so simple can be forgotten when the threshold for that feature is starting to become the norm. If it's because of the current situation, then choose your poison: levels or penalty.
Yes, I'm angry, I'm upset, I will throw a table in OGPlanet's direction, but will it really help? This is a company that has repetitively ignored the requests of their patrons unless it breaks the game, it is requested by a privileged group of players or cuts into their profits. You know what defeats those types of companies? Strike and petition. That and legal ramifications.
But I'll save that for another day.
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