GRASP! Okay well, I was on blog hiatus, not LaTale hiatus mind you, mostly because of my usual excuse. College. This semester really is blowing my mind on how much reading is required. Well, it's not really required, but it's recommended. Well, lemme try to catch up to speed with LaTale events and my own life.
Mnn. Christmas. Do you remember that? I faintly remember it. Kinda. There was two events right? Hmm... To be honest guys, I rarely did those events. Although there was a flood of Valkyrie Weapon Coupons from the Christmas Tree event, I was receiving free coupons from my guild members as gifts. But, let's just try to recall the good memories other people had.
There was the Save Santa Event, a mediocre maze in which you had to save
At the start of every hour, a portal would appear next to him. Get the quest and go inside. After a hilarious maze montage, you'll find
Wasn't the most exciting thing... After doing the first quest, you would learn the Guardian of Santa title. I didn't get too far because it was deadly dull for me to keep a commitment with. The stocking itself had a bunch of good things in it. Not profitable things. Things like event specific title guide books and other things.
Then there was the Christmas Tree event. Outside of every major town, there would be a Santa Muscling.
Kill it and little Santa Prirings would pop out.
I heard that the Muscling went down faster with magic classes, but this is the past so who really cares what worked better. You kill the Prirings and you get Christmas Tree Warps. Ooo... You used one and you were magically warped to a room with a big Chirstmas Tree that you could wack and get prizes from.
There was Christmas fashion, Christmas food, Christmas fireworks... but most importantly for everyone, there was Valkyrie Weapon Coupons. People were getting them by the stack. Then they nerfed its drop rate, but the damage was already done. Valks are pretty much... useless? They're useless for now. At least you can get them for cheap. Get them while they're still deflated~
Do I need to say that there were astro boxes too? Ugh. To be honest, I don't participate in those anymore. Unless there's things of value that I really want, I don't bother.
The only thing I can comment about these is that Husky Pets were thrown around everywhere. If you're looking for a new pet, Husky's your loyal servant. Other than that, it was a quiet Christmas. It was a well deserved break for me though~
During the Christmas time, I was focusing most of my time and energy into Inflation. I love those guys and girls. Speaking of guilds, level still isn't in our version. OGPlanet. You're pissing me off at this point. If you want people to have insentive to focus attention to the guild system aka the guild crops, of which profit you destroyed for yourself because of the guild penalty, you need to have a carrot. That carrot is level 13+. But I digress. There are new emblems, backgrounds and effects for guilds to use now.
John and I have been deliberating about if we should change the emblem or not, but after talking with my guild members, I think our emblem will stay the same. One winged harp with laurels and static electricity, you're here to stay in our hearts, for the time being. The idea isn't really set in stone, so we'll see. We'll see. So let's go two topics ago and talk about guild crops.
Inflation's last crop of the year was Boss and we went out with a bang. Everyone was there and just sliced through everything. On the flip side, Inflation's first crop of the year was a Spa! After a being in a rut for the latter part of the year, it's about time we started having some good luck. Inflation, let the time we share this year together be prosperous, meaningful and filled with happiness, in LaTale and in real life. Cause we might die at the end of the year. But really, let's enjoy the moments we have and be happy!
Now... I have a few issues to address. Let's go through this calmly.
Rumors. Stop it. You don't know what is truth and what is lie in a fake community that feeds off drama and to be honest, it isn't your business unless it really should be. Example: If your guild member is quitting because so and so rumor and they ask you for help, it's your business. Example: If you eavesdrop on a conversation and it seems juicy and dramatic, it's not your business. That being said... Is John dead? Where the fuck do you get that idea? Did John quit? Should that be your business? Is John cheating on Cala with xxx LaTale chick? You need to get your facts straight; John and I are a real life couple kthx. It gets old and you drama sucking newts really need to be mature for a change. I don't have many friends outside of my guild and yet people think that my affairs are their business. That being said, it is my business if I have to help or act upon the suffering or grief of my guild members. That's my duty. Don't get butt hurt on something that I think is right.
College. As I said before, my work load this semester wasn't like last semester. It's quite heavier since I'm taking more classes than the last, so my blog activity hasn't been the most committed. Needless to say, I've been on LaTale enjoying myself in my free time and actually getting some things accomplished.
Tea. As my New Year's Resolution, I've decided to take up drinking tea more frequently. I bought myself an iron cast Japanese kettle just for this. Any tea recommendations? I'm up for anything good and warm.
All in all, I'm well. I hope you guys are too. You know, I like it when people comment. It gives me a perspective on how my readers are doing and who they are. I'm basically posting like a blind cat so I don't now how well you guys are receiving this entire blog. But anyways, I'll be around. Until that fateful day, adieu.
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