Friday, November 18, 2011

Soccer Goal

YAY FRIDAYYY. Friday. FRIDAY. It's day 18. Let's see some magic and pixie dust. We're going to see some plans, some dreams, some goals I have. T.GIF became johngeeshowering.gif. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

I'm not particularly a goal orientated person. I'm more of a dreamer. My plans are always hazy and I usually have no idea how to approach them, but I'm content with dreaming because I can add more and more to them with my abstract mind. But anyways, where's some things that come to mind:
Graduate from college.
Grind a grant or scholarship for graduate school.
Marry my man of my dreams (but we all know who that is).
Own at least one four legged animal as a pet.
Go to Japan at least once and visit at least four different districts of Tokyo.
Live to see my grandchildren.
Die before my husband so I don't be lonely. Forever.
Learn how to knit.
Knit a scarf.
Quilt a blanket.
Make a toast scarf.
Learn how to sew and make clothes.
Design and make at least five articles of clothing for my wardrobe.
Make a Slowpoke backpack.
Own a Slowpoke Plushie.
Be happy.

Fill my inventory with Ballong Gems.
Get a stack of Shirena Soul Urns.
Obtain the Webfoot Octopus Salad title.
Get CrispyPata to Psykicker.
Obtain more skills as an animator.
Get the index cards of my favorite monsters.
See to it that Inflation gets to level 15 or beyond.
Bring down Revise the GA system.

Yay dreams! Yay goals! Yay WEEKEND. I'm so excited for some time off and I can be in my real bed and my scalding hot showers and my comfy carpeted room. YAY. See you tomorrow.

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