Wednesday, November 2, 2011

John's Calamansi

A new day, a new challenge. Today is day 2 and we'll be exploring the meaning behind my Blogger name. Yup...

So, there's three aspects of this blog that have names. There's the URL, the blog name and my account name.

My account name is self explanatory. Hi, I'm Calamansi. I play LaTale as Calamansi. How are you? My URL was was a bit tricky to think of, however. Since calamansi was already taken and I wanted to make it somewhat short, I asked John for help. John just said to put him in the URL. I laughed, but I thought about it and thought of It makes sense cause I'm John's Calamansi. I'm not just a Calamansi, but John's. I'm obsessed with him I know, but I love him so muchhhhh I love him more.

The blog name was the hardest to come up with. I'm not exactly the most creative when it comes to naming things. I mean, I named my pet fish John1. Actually, I name a lot of things John. But the original John is the best John of all! By the way, if you haven't noticed, I name a lot of my blog entries after songs I really like. Just putting that out there. I'm not very creative when it comes to naming things. I think I stated that.

Let's see, my blog name... Well, I wanted my blog to have a nice name that was something a bit catchy. But what the hell is catchy with the name Calamansi? I was absolutely stumped. Thankfully for me, one of my favorite genres of anime is Slice of Life and I was searching for something anime related I guess and it caught on. It's a bit convenient as well. Whenever I think about citrus fruits, I think about sliced oranges.

Well, that's my rant about the meaning behind my Blogger name. Come back tomorrow for my next challenge!

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