Monday, November 21, 2011


Well, it took a long time, but I finally found some time to do this post. A lot of weeks ago, we had another content update. A bit minor and more or less a supplement to the Subclass content update. For those who have realized that Subclass is either too hard, too time consuming or their class's Subclass is too boring or hate it, then there's something for you to do if you're into collecting. Rainbows and unicorns and, we're going back to the past, in which the past is just a few weeks ago.

Ah... the beauty of the mountains... Fresh air...

Cute and docile wildlife...

Wilder folk that are kind and friendly...

The mountains suck (I mean just ask the cast from Persona 4), but only in real life. We were given two new areas: El Anoir Mountains and the Sky Command Crash Site. The mountains are a level 160+ area and the crash site is a level 190+ area. The mountains can be accessed from Sea of Sky. Just wander around until you find this guy:

He'll also give you mountain quests, but you can find additional quests at Guild Union. By the way, if you wander along the way to the mountains, you'll see a strange building.

Subtle foreshadowing? Will we be seeing a library in the near future? I honestly don't follow the Korean updates, so I can't tell you guys. Essentially, the only reason why I'm excited for these maps is more quests and a pretty NPC.

She's adorable. Anyways, the mountains is a whimsical place of flying fairy Prirings, Hawk Girls, schizophrenic sheep and baby griffin eagles, but the Sky Command Crash Site is a different story...



AHHHH RUN AWAYYYY. You can imagine how I felt. I dragged John with me, mostly because I'm too defenseless for my own good. There's a new boss, the Elite Ranger, whom drops Viyor Subclass Weapons. These are other Dark Blue named uniques for Subclasses other than the Sky Kingdom Subclass Weapons. The Elite Ranger is one hard little boss however.

He will wipe the floor with your face and then throw you out like a used Swiffer mop head. Ugh, I'm sorry, that was a horrible analogy. But the idea is the same. He hits like a truck, but it's been rumored that you can glitch his first form, but that's just something I heard, not confirmed.

In other news, for other piece of content that was added was the Monster Index. You can access it through your menu and it'll be under the Reputation option. At the moment, the option is in Korean for some reason. Here's what a mastered card looks like:

All monsters (other than TAID or Colosseum monsters because they are reproductions) will drop an illustrated card that has its own success rate and drop rate.

When you master a card, you will receive their index information and a stat bonus depending on the monster. That and there's a cool emblem that appears.

There's two types of cards: regular and skull.

The regular cards are easier to master, however they yield smaller bonuses. For example, Little Lamb gave me +3 magic and Shachi gave me +4 stamina. The skull cards are harder to master, especially if the skull card is from a monster that only has one spawn in a map and such. Multibag Bosses, however, are easier to do because the multiple bag feature allows you to have a higher net gain than a single monster. I digress, however. The stats that come with mastering these cards are larger and more superior than regular cards. For example, Bear Wolf gave me 1% movement speed, Kappa gave me 1% item drop rate and Shirena gave me 1% magic min attack. Sometimes you master them in a few cards, sometimes you master them in like a 100. Here's an example:

My goal is to be part all sheep, part Mermech, part booby ladies (Wandering Sisters, Calamity Jane, Pandora, Chonpalm, ect, boobs) and part octopus. I will be the most interesting part of things ever! BUAHAHAHAHAAA. On a side note... The drop rate is crap. I can't really farm the cards without IDR potions, which sucks because I'm running out.

I may joke around often and compare drop rates to the drop rate of Ballong Gems, but it seriously feels like it sometimes. It either comes in swarms or a drought occurs and I get bored. Well, anyways, that's the gist of it.

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away... Inflation still can't level up. Still .

I'm waiting OGPlanet. I want level 13. Level 13. Level . Our bodies are ready. So I'll leave you there. Like usual. Until next update or day or whatever the hell I'm doing cause I don't know anymore, Suzaku the Jiggy loves me. John you have competition.

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